FAZ was a bad trade.  The employment figures today were a complete joke.  1.2 Million potential job seekers "just vanished".  The government is able - and allowed by us Lemmings - to manipulate their information any way they like.  The HL trade is still OK .  It is performing well today and is one of the more disliked mining stocks out there - a good sign given its reserves, lack of debt etc.  This seems to be as good a place as any to park money LETS JUST HOPE that the wall street broker I use doesn't use the shares for their own loans.  Long term the best place to have my money is close to home and invested in my local economy.




We are on the upper end of the trading range and I have gone long FAZ for a quick trade
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The attached link from Jesse's Cafe says a lot. As conditions and trust deteriorate a good position to hold should be in the mining shares.  I still have HL. My holdings took a huge hit when HL's Lucky Friday mine was closed for a year but the silver is still there and I am holding and the shares are back to where I bought them. http://jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot.com/